Amgen Scholars Program

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Congratulations to the LMU Amgen 2021 scholars!

Thank you to our students, faculty, mentors, and institutions for making the 2021 programme such a success!


Over the past summer, 6 deferred Amgen Scholars from the 2020 application round, coming from 5 countries, have conducted up to 8 weeks of research and training in collaboration with laboratories at the LMU, TU, and Helmholtz Center in Munich.

Although throughout our remote programme we haven't met in person, we did see each other quite often this summer. Our events sought to open opportunities and encourage scholars to use them.

We were able to hold traditions and perhaps set new ones:

  • first-ever Global Amgen Scholars Symposium
  • joint events with the ETH group
  • events to present options as researchers, whether in the industry or academia
  • virtual tour of Munch and the LMU

A live hands-on research experience was not possible this year. However, thanks to the out-of-the-box projects of the host labs, scholars were able to focus on practical know-how, complemented by transferable academic skills in our workshops and on LabXchange (free online platform for science education).

All this knowledge was best brought to light in the scholars' posters, which were presented during the Closing Event.

This has always been a key moment for the Munich programme and especially this year, without the possibility to hold the traditional Cambridge Symposium, we celebrated the scholars' results and thank all those involved:

  • mentors and tutors, who made the extra effort to host them, mostly remotely. Thank you for taking the time and patience!
  • our colleagues at LMU, IUCM, MISU and International Office of the university
  • our friends from Amgen Munich and IZB for their involvement
  • the Amgen Foundation for inspiring and supporting us in organising a programme this summer, against difficulties
  • last but not least - our graduating scholars, for their efforts and motivation. We wish them all the best for the future

With encouraging feedback from labs and scholars, we look forward to the 2022 application round and are already making plans for next summer. Stay tuned for further details!